· Kalpa Madhushan · documentation · 2 min read

Deploy Your Node.js Express API to AWS EC2 with SSL and MongoDB

Learn how to deploy your Node.js Express API to an AWS EC2 instance and secure it with SSL, ensuring a robust and secure application setup.

Learn how to deploy your Node.js Express API to an AWS EC2 instance and secure it with SSL, ensuring a robust and secure application setup.

Deploying Your Node.js Backend API to AWS EC2

When you’re trying to deploy your Node.js backend API to AWS EC2, you may face different kinds of problems. Trust me, I also faced such issues when installing Node.js, MongoDB, and setting up the Nginx or Apache server with SSL. In this article, I will show the full process from setting up the EC2 to getting SSL and setting up an EC2 renewing cron job. So let’s get started.

Install MongoDB and Node.js

Follow the method in this article to install MongoDB and Node.js on your EC2 instance.

Get SSL with Certbot

Use this article to set up SSL with Certbot on your Node.js API.

Install PM2 and Run the Project

PM2 is a process manager for Node.js applications that makes it easy to manage and keep your application running.

To install PM2, use the following command:

npm install pm2 -g

To start your application with PM2, navigate to your project directory and run:

pm2 start app.js

Replace app.js with the entry point of your application.

Create Certbot Renew Script

To ensure your SSL certificates are automatically renewed, follow this guide to create a Certbot renew script and set up a cron job.

By following these steps, you’ll have a Node.js backend API running on AWS EC2 with SSL and an automatic renewal setup for your SSL certificates.

This file provides a structured guide with links to the necessary resources for deploying a Node.js backend API to AWS EC2. Let me know if you need any adjustments or additional information!

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